Congratulations for your successful submission!

The table below displays the evaluation results against the reference annotations in four levels:

  1. The evaluation on all documents. If you checked Evaluation details, the table displays the results for each document.
  2. The reference/prediction annotation pairing scheme. If you checked Evaluation details, the Show pairs button displays reference/prediction annotation pair details.
  3. The evaluation scheme: the first one is the main evaluation, the following ones provide more insights on your predictions.
  4. Measures. Participants will be ranked by the first measure.

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Consider signing in with a google account (top-right of the page) to keep track of your experiments.

Privacy statement

The only information required by this service are your identifier, name and e-mail. No other information is accessed.

Your submissions remain anonymous to other users.

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BioNLP-OST 2019 Evaluation Service

Evaluate your SeeDev and BB predictions, keep track of your previous experiments, and compare your results with other participants.

Please refer to the BioNLP-OST 2019 homepage for available tasks. This service offers evaluations for SeeDev, and BB tasks. Legacy BioNLP-ST 2016 BB evaluation will be kept for an unspecified amount of time, please train and evaluate on BB 2019.

Submit a prediction

The submission form is on the left. Chose the task and the working set, then upload a zip archive containing your predictions.

When you upload the archive, the evaluation results are displayed on the main panel. If your files are not well-formed, errors and warnings are displayed in the Messages tab.

Compare submissions

The Compare submissions tab displays a table with all submissions. Your last submission is highlighted in green, and if you are logged in your previous submissions are highlighted in light green.

You may sign in with a Google account on the top-right corner of this page to keep track of your submissions.

Your privacy

When you sign in, this service only requires your basic profile on Google. That means your identifier, name and e-mail. No other information is accessed.

Your submissions remain anonymous to other users.


You may evaluate your predictions trough the API.

Got it

You can hide this spiel by clicking on the header.

Questions and suggestions on the forums dedicated to SeeDev and BB tasks.

Good luck!

Working set
Evaluation details
Upload predictions